Degree programmes taught in English have tuition fees. Degree students who are not citizens of countries of the European Union (EU) or the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland and who have started their studies 1 August 2017 and onwards are required to pay the tuition fee. Please see from the Studyinfo website whether or not you are required to pay the tuition fee.
If you are a Finnish citizen, you are not required to pay tuition fees.
As of 1.1.2023 at Karelia UAS the tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students are following:
Bachelor’s degrees – International Business 9 000 € / academic year – Industrial Management 9 000 € / academic year – Information and Communication Technology 10 000 € / academic year
Early-bird priced tuition fee is available for for new, accepted students when the student accepts the offered study place at Karelia UAS and pays the tuition fee within 14 days from the offer, s/he is entitled for an Early bird -priced tuition fee for the first academic year.
Early bird -priced tuition fee means that student gets 10% discount of the full tuition fee payment in the first academic year.
With the tuition fee you are entitled to participate in studies, take the exams, receive student counselling and use our versatile support services such as library services, IT services and student services. You will have access to our campuses and digital learning environment. Tuition fee does not cover your living expenses or personal study related expenses. These can be for example a rent, food, book or computer related expenses.
As a student you will be able to join a Student Union Poka and participate in various student activities. With Poka student card you are entitled to student discounts provided by companies, stores and public transportation. The activities and discounts are provided only in Finland.
All the students studying in a degree leading education in Finnish higher educational institution are required to pay the health care fee – even you would study online in your home country. You will have access to health care and medical services provided by the Finnish Student Healthcare Services, the fee is 36,80 € per semester in 2024.
You are exempted from paying tuition fees if you have one of the documents mentioned below. Please note that you have to upload a copy of the document which you use as a basis for exemption to the application form by a given deadline in the application form or once you receive it.
Passport or identity card to indicate the citizenship of EU/EEA/Switzerland
EU Blue Card in Finland
Continuous residence permit card in Finland, Type A permit. NB: Type A permit granted for studying in Finland (from 15 April 2022 onwards) doesn’t exempt student from paying tuition fee.
EU Family Member’s Residence Card in Finland
Permanent residence permit card in Finland, Type P permit
EU residence permit for third-country citizens with long-term residence permit card in Finland (Type P-EU)
Brexit residence permit card, Type SEU-sopimuksen 50 artikla = Right of residence under the withdrawal agreement, or P SEU-sopimuksen 50 artikla = Right of permanent residence under the withdrawal agreement
The document exempting from the tuition fee payment must be valid on 1 August for studies starting in autumn semester and on 1 January for studies starting in spring semester.
The tuition fee will be collected from the student upon receipt of the study place, before enrolling as present. The student will receive payment instructions for the tuition fee in the letter of acceptance.
Early-bird priced tuition fee
When the student accepts the offered study place at Karelia UAS and pays the tuition fee within 14 days from the offer, s/he is entitled for an Early bird -priced tuition fee for the first academic year. Early bird -priced tuition fee means that student gets 10% discount of the full tuition fee payment in the first academic year.
Payment instructions are sent to the accepted students by email.
Continuing students will find the schedule for payment’s at the Student Intra Pakki.
Karelia UAS provides fee-paying students scholarships based on performance in their studies.
The criteria for the award of scholarships in the Bachelor’s degrees are the credit accumulation and the demonstration of proficiency in Finnish language skills. In the Master’s degree awarding criteria is the credit accumulation.
The scholarships and the awarding criteria apply to all degree students coming from outside the EU/EEA countries who have started their studies in an English-mediated degree programme at Karelia UAS on 1st August 2017 or after and have the enrollment status present. Scholarships are not awarded for studies exceeding the set duration of studies for the degree.
Set duration of studies:
Bachelor’s degrees: 3.5 or 4 years depending on the degree programme
Master’s degrees: 1-2.5 years depending on the degree programme
If the student is found guilty of misconduct in his/her studies at Karelia UAS, as stated by Karelia UAS Degree Regulations, Karelia UAS has the right to reject the scholarship. The decision on rejecting the scholarship is made by the President of Karelia UAS during the disciplinary procedure.
Bachelor’s degrees
For Bachelor’s degree education, a scholarship may be awarded in the autumn of the second and third academic year, provided that the student
has paid the tuition fee for the academic year by the 31st of July and
is registered as a student present for the academic, and
during the previous academic year, by July 31, has completed at least 55 credits of studies in the curriculum. If the credit amount exceeds the required 55 credits, the credits exceeding the requirement will be counted in the credits for the following academic year.
Note! Only the studies completed as a Karelia UAS degree student are accepted to the 55 ECTS. Replacement and inclusion of higher education level studies completed prior to Karelia UAS degree studies are not considered to the 55 ECTS.
In addition, following Finnish language proficiency requirements are used:
The student has demonstrated by examination that they have reached proficiency level A2.1 in Finnish with a grade of at least 3/5 in the first academic year. The amount of the scholarship for second-year students is 10% of the tuition fee in the second academic year.
The student has demonstrated by examination that they have reached proficiency level A2.2 in Finnish with a grade of at least 3/5 in the second academic year. The amount of the scholarship for third year students is 20% of the tuition fee in the third academic year.
The student has achieved the Finnish language proficiency level B1 in the YKI test (national language proficiency certificate test) in the third academic year. Students can take the YKI test once during their studies paid for by Karelia UAS. The procedures for taking the YKI test are described in a separate instruction at Student’s Intranet Pakki. The amount of the scholarship for completing the YKI test is 30% of the tuition fee in the 3,5th semester (International Business) or fourth academic year (Industrial Management and Information and Communication Technology).
Master’s degree
A scholarship may be awarded in the autumn of the second academic year, provided that the student
has paid the tuition fee for the academic year by 31 July and
is registered as a student present for the academic year, and
has made progress in the studies in accordance with the curriculum and has earned at least 30 credits by 31 July during the first academic year.
The amount of the scholarship is 10 % of the tuition fee in the second academic year. In other academic years, no scholarships will be paid.
Achieving the A2 level in Finnish language is possible by actively participating in the Finnish language studies according to curriculum.
Achieving the B1 level requires a student commitment and independent study of the Finnish language. Karelia requires students to be active in developing their Finnish language skills and encourages students to aim to level B1 by supporting and offering voluntary Finnish language studies in addition to compulsory studies.
Only one scholarship/academic year is available for completing the Finnish language proficiency, during the second and third study year. If student completes both skill levels in the same year, the second skill level complementation will be take into account to the following year.
Parhaan kokemuksen tarjoamiseksi käytämme teknologioita, kuten evästeitä, tallentaaksemme ja/tai käyttääksemme laitetietoja. Näiden tekniikoiden hyväksyminen antaa meille mahdollisuuden käsitellä tietoja, kuten selauskäyttäytymistä tai yksilöllisiä tunnuksia tällä sivustolla. Suostumuksen jättäminen tai peruuttaminen voi vaikuttaa haitallisesti tiettyihin ominaisuuksiin ja toimintoihin.
Always active
Tekninen tallennus tai pääsy on ehdottoman välttämätön oikeutettua tarkoitusta varten, joka mahdollistaa tietyn tilaajan tai käyttäjän nimenomaisesti pyytämän palvelun käytön, tai yksinomaan viestinnän välittämiseksi sähköisen viestintäverkon kautta.
Tekninen tallennus tai pääsy on tarpeen laillisessa tarkoituksessa sellaisten asetusten tallentamiseen, joita tilaaja tai käyttäjä ei ole pyytänyt.
Tekninen tallennus tai pääsy, jota käytetään yksinomaan tilastollisiin tarkoituksiin.Tekninen tallennus tai pääsy, jota käytetään yksinomaan anonyymeihin tilastollisiin tarkoituksiin. Ilman haastetta, Internet-palveluntarjoajasi vapaaehtoista suostumusta tai kolmannen osapuolen lisätietueita pelkästään tähän tarkoitukseen tallennettuja tai haettuja tietoja ei yleensä voida käyttää tunnistamaan sinua.
Teknistä tallennustilaa tai pääsyä tarvitaan käyttäjäprofiilien luomiseen mainosten lähettämistä varten tai käyttäjän seuraamiseksi verkkosivustolla tai useilla verkkosivustoilla vastaavia markkinointitarkoituksia varten.