Fysioterapian opiskelija

Gait Analysis

At TARMO, we can reliably analyze your walking and movement using GaitRite[LS1]  walking analysis and FootScan foot analysis.

For Whom

People with lower limb or back pain or challenges with walking, running, or other basic movement.

Benefits and Content

The analyses provide accurate, objective, reliable and repeatable data on your walking and movement:

  • the analysis can identify issues in walking or running, and this data can be used in planning rehabilitation
  • the test results can also be used in preventing falls, or assessing, monitoring and targeting the use of assistive devices
  • the equipment can be used as a tool for training, which provides immediate feedback on the success of the exercise


Gait analyses are performed by students working at TARMO. The test takes about 45 minutes. There is no need for preparation beforehand.



10€/analysis for students/pensioners/the unemployed 

Payment by debit/credit card at the coordinators’ office (E280) after the test.

We do not accept cash or sports and culture vouchers.


Learning and Service Environment TARMO
Karelia-ammattikorkeakoulu | Karelia University of Applied Sciences
Tikkarinne 9, FI-80200 Joensuu
[email protected]
Tel. +358 50 913 1787