Category: Yleinen

  • Suvi Hassinen: Studies gave good theoretical basis for my work as CEO

    BBA, International Business, 2015, Hassisen Veljekset Oy (HAVEL), CEO  In my work, my areas of responsibility are marketing and development. I take care that everything in the marketing, production and other areas are on track and everyone has the prerequisites to do the job. It is my responsibility to keep track of the development efforts…

  • Suvi Hassinen is the alumnus of the year 2018 at Karelia UAS

    Suvi Hassinen is the alumnus of the year 2018 at Karelia UAS   Suvi Hassinen, a year 2015 graduate from Karelia UAS Degree Programme in International Business, has been selected as the alumnus of the year. Hassinen, who works as the CEO of Havel Oy, has been actively cooperating with Karelia UAS after her graduation.…

  • The international environment helps to grow

    The International Environment Helps to Grow Professionally and Personally Irina Timofeeva, International Business student Irina Timofeeva moved from Russia to Finland to study at the Karelia University of Applied Sciences. She started hers studia at the Open UAS in Study Path Programme. It means studies in a normal study group but with open university student’s…

  • Alumni, Nabil Ashraf

    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 2013Tilinormit Oy, Trainee Accountant Currently I am working as trainee accountant in Tilinormit Oy. I look after different companies financial situations; how they run, how much money they are making, profit margins, financial plans of the company etc. Having learned these subjects helps me to understand different types of businesses…

  • Alumni, Kaspars Kokins

    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 2013Export manager, Porokka Forest Oy, Finland   Currently I am working as an export manage of Finnish company Porokka Forest Oy. Company has more than 30 years of experience in the field of forestry machinery, mostly dealing with timber cranes. My main duty is to improve company’s exporting performance. Such a…

  • Alumni, Pawel Kryjom

    Bachelor of Business and Administration, Degree Programme in International Business 2006, CEO, FarmTrade, Poland I am the owner of FarmTrade company located in Poland. FarmTrade was established in 2005 during study time as internship in local company. Nowadays, the company is an official and exclusive representative in Poland of several foreign manufacturers. The company makes…

  • Practical approach to international business through real life business cases

    Aleksandra Leshcheva, International Business Student My name is Aleksandra and I am a happy 3rd year student of Karelia UAS. I came here to Joensuu from Saint-Petersburg, Russia, after graduating of my school. I had 2 criteria for choosing a university: The university itself and the city in which the uni is located. I found…

  • Student story: Mikhail Anuchkin

    TRAINING IN LONDON AND STUDYING IN PARIS – IT IS ALL POSSIBLE WHEN STUDYING INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS   Mikhail Anuchkin Student, Degree Programme in International Business I began my studies at Karelia UAS in August 2014.  After two-year studying in Joensuu, Finland, I was accepted to an internship in London for six months, which started from…