Category: News
The actions and goals of Karelia’s sustainable development and responsibility have been compiled into a programme for the higher education community
The sustainable development and responsibility programme of the Karelia UAS community has been published. Responsibility is one of our three values. The will to act as an employer and as a higher education community responsibly and promoting sustainable development is based on our values and strategy. We have also defined the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals,…
Karelia UAS’ academic areas of responsibility audited by business representatives
The North Karelia Chamber of Commerce has awarded the recognition, which certifies that Karelia UAS has been developing cooperation between working life and education. Karelia University of Applied Sciences is the first higher education institution in Finland to have its academic areas of responsibility audited by business representatives. The audit aims to highlight areas of…
Karelia University of Applied Sciences awarded the best theses of 2022
Karelia University of Applied Sciences awarded the best theses of 2022. Henna Kiiskinen’s Master’s Degree Programme in Business Management and Leadership thesis Asiakkaiden näköinen kirjasto: Palvelumuotoilulla kohti uudistuvaa lähikirjastoa (Customer-looking library: Towards a renewing local library) was selected as the best thesis for the Master’s degree programme. The thesis was commissioned by Joensuu Regional Library.…
The city of Joensuu and Karelia UAS promote biodiversity by taking part in International Tree Planting Day 24 May 2023
Karelia University of Applied Sciences, the city of Joensuu and the ENO online school will plant trees in an event on Wednesday 24 May 2023 from 9 to 11 am. The venue is the scenic hills of the southern part of Sahaniitynpuisto in Penttilä. It is easy to get there by foot, bicycle or public…
Karelia joined the Climate University network of higher education institutions
Karelia joined the Climate University network of higher education institutions – sustainable development and climate change courses offered online Karelia University of Applied Sciences has joined the Climate University network formed by Finnish higher education institutions. Membership offers students of Karelia UAS the opportunity to participate in courses organized by the network as a part…
Uzbekistan university delegation visits Karelia UAS
On Tuesday 2nd of May 2023 Karelia University of Applied Sciences was proud to host a delegation of 26 Uzbek Deans and Vice Deans and discuss good practices and strategic collaboration in higher education. The delegates represent more than ten Uzbek HEIs and come from various fields of expertise. The visit was organized by Karelia’s…
Uzbekistan newspaper delegation visits Karelia UAS
Xalq So’zi Newspaper Delegation’s official visit to Karelia University of Applied Sciences (Karelia UAS) marks the importance of strategic cooperation between Karelia UAS (Finland) and International Nordic University (Uzbekistan) at institutional, regional and national levels. Thanks to Karelia’s partnership, Nordic International University will become a model university whose university of applied sciences features can be…
Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies in English for those who have fled war from Ukraine
In co-operation with eight other UAS’ we provide a Preparatory Programme for Higher Education Studies in English for those who have fled war from Ukraine. In this programme, you familiarize yourself with different fields of study and options for you. You will get the basic skills required in higher education studies and will also receive…
Student satisfaction in Karelia is the best in history
Based on the feedback survey carried out this year, the student satisfaction of students completing a degree at Karelia University of Applied Sciences was 83 %. A total of 1,674 responses were received to the survey, of which 1,610 were from students with a Bachelor´s degree and 64 from students with a Master’s degree. –…
Karelia University of Applied Sciences launches extensive educational cooperation with Uzbekistan
Karelia UAS launches educational cooperation with the new Nordic International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Three international degree programmes of Karelia UAS will be launched at the university so that the teachers are local, but the contents of the education are from Karelia UAS. The cooperation agreement also includes other measures for developing the Nordic International University…