Internationality is a key pilar of Karelia University of Applied Sciences, as well as Karelia UAS’s Business Academy. As part of the Business Academy’s internationality agenda, the academy hosts guests from all around the world and share expertise and know-how. During the 2021-2022 academic year, the academy had the pleasure of hosting three separate international delegations. These delegations included guest from Chile, France and Uzbekistan. The main purpose of these visits to the Business Academy is to network with future partners, share knowledge, engage student co-operation and plan future visits to their respected organizations. Each delegation is different and the goals of the visitors change, therefore below each separate delegation visit is explained and the benefits of each one explored.
Chilean Delegation 24.11.2021
At the end of the year 2021, the academy had its first international delegation visit in years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The visiting delegation came from the Chilean Embassy: Ambassador Mr. Rodrigo Olsen Olivares and Third Secretary Mr. Fernando Cacho. The goal of the delegation visit was to learn how Karelia UAS is tackling the active aging problem, which is similar in Chile. As well as learning how, Karelia UAS is using entrepreneurship during studies as a way to grow entrepreneurial mindsets in students for the future. The goal was to share knowledge, which the delegation would be able to send back home and for future co-operation programs.
The delegation was first introduced to the university’s facilities and departments. Their introduction concluded with a visit to the Business Academy facilities at Joensuu Science Park. The delegation was briefed on the history of the building, as well as how the Business Academy conducts their studies in an entrepreneurial environment. The delegation was intrigued with learning how the Business Academy students create a co-op and finish their university degrees through entrepreneurship.
The delegation was able to meet four students from the Business Academy’s international team. The international team shared their experiences studying at Business Academy, why they believe this was the correct method of study for them and how they view international relations as being extremely important to their future goals. The delegation was also able to participate in a short format dialog, which is one of the main study methods used at the Business Academy. The delegation, as well as the Business Academy students shared their study backgrounds, favorite foods from back home, as well as the importance of international relations.

French Delegation 7.4.2022
The second international visit to the Business Academy came from France, including Mr. Nicolas Robert, the Head of Degree Chez Université Grenoble Alpes and five of his university students. Hosting the delegation were two Finnish tourism students, as well as four Business Academy students from the international team. The difference between this delegation and the Chilean delegation, was that this delegation was a university delegation, compared to an embassy delegation. The goal of this visit was to share knowledge on how our university conducts different studies, such as the Business Academy that could be integrated to the French university if the future. Also, having students be a part of the delegation allowed for the students from both universities to network with each other, share stories and experiences, as well as understand how studies can differ, even though both universities reside in Europe.
The delegation, as well as the Finnish tourism students, learned about Business Academy, with the Business Academy students sharing their own personal stories how they have conducted their studies through entrepreneurship. This enticed the French students, and they hoped their university in the future could have a similar option as Business Academy. Similar to the Chilean Delegation, the French Delegation was able to participate in a short format dialog, where everyone was able to share their own experiences with studying their specific field, how they best learn and what goals each student has for the future. The visit ended with planning an international trip to the French University by our Business Academy’s international team in the fall of 2022.

Uzbekistan Delegation 1.6.-2.6.2022
The final delegation of the academic year included Uzbekistan’s Kokand University’s Rector, Mr. Mustafakulov Sherzod Igamberdievich and Dean of Economics and Education Faculty, Mr. Turgunov Jasurbek Alimardon ugli, Samarkand State University’s Assistant Professor, Mr. Ikrom Khusanovich Nasimov, as well as University of Tashkent International Medical Center’s Director of Education, Mr. Yarmukhamedov Bekhzod. The goal of this delegation visit was for the delegation to create co-operative partnerships with Karelia UAS in student exchange, as well as sharing knowledge about the methods of study at Karelia UAS, which could be implemented at partner universities in Uzbekistan in the future. Currently, there are students from Uzbekistan studying at Karelia UAS, and this delegation visit hopefully creates possibilities for Karelia UAS’s students to participate in study exchange possibilities in Uzbekistan in the future, as well as continued study exchange possibilities for Uzbekistan students to Karelia UAS.
The delegation visited different departments throughout Karelia during their week-long visit, with visiting Karelia UAS’s Business Academy on the 1st of June. Similar to the Chilean Delegation, the visitors were informed on the history of the Science Park, as well as the study methods of Business Academy through entrepreneurship. The delegation was extremely impressed with the student entrepreneurs who shared their current and past projects. The delegation was especially interested in the international aspect of Business Academy and how possible cooperation projects could develop in the future with visiting team coaches, students and study programs.

On the 2nd of June, the Uzbekistan delegation, as well as Karelia UAS staff members, including Karelia UAS’s President, Mr. Petri Raivo, Head of International Affairs, Mrs. Liisa Timonen, Global Education Officer, Mrs. Katri Truong as well as Business Academy’s team coach, Mrs. Riikka Räsänen visited Koli National Park to showcase Finnish nature and continue discussions how co-operation can continue in the future. During the Koli visit, the delegation was able to stop at the Kontiolahti Biathlon Stadium, as well as spending most of the time at a local island, Kelvänsaari at Tarina-Aho. Here, the delegation was able to enjoy a local meal, hear how nature is a strong part of Finland’s history as well as enjoy a speedboat ride from the harbor to the island and back. The rest of the evening was spent walking in Koli National Park, sightseeing at Ukko-Koli and Akka-Koli. This visit allowed for the delegation to see the different possibilities Finland has to offer in experiences, not just education for future co-operation projects.

Riikka Räsänen, team coach at Karelia UAS’s Business Academy